Heart-Heels. Susan Butterworth. Fun


This page is dedicated to having fun with hearts and heels. Every new day brings new opportunities to enjoy. Stopping to smell the roses, watching a sunset, sitting quietly with a friend, walking outside to get a breath of fresh air, enjoying a good book, watching a movie, singing along to music, finding hearts in unusual places, taking a nap, calling someone, rolling with laughter, or taking delight in small pleasures guides us on our journey.

I am grateful for the people who have helped me through the worst of times. My son Ben can imitate most anyone, never fails at making me smile. Watching old SNL shows causes me to laugh and cry at the same time. Watching my dogs and the funny things they do is amusing. Remembering my sons as toddlers hating to sit still in church, and then the two of them crawling underneath the pews until they escaped to the back of the church. (Although it wasn’t very funny then, it is now!) Finding humor in the strangest places is like making lemonade with lemons. Thank you for stopping here to have some fun. The vision for having fun with hearts and heels is still developing. Keep coming back as the good times are just getting started!